I have a bespoke set of skills as a personal trainer and movement coach in a wide range of disciplines for both mind and body. From qualifications in advanced personal training to Pilates, pole fitness and kettlebells to a master practitioner in NLP, I can call on a broad range of tools to help people explore a variety of ways and different environments to get moving. I believe in using a holistic approach to consider the interconnection between movement, mindset, health and well-being.
I am excited about movement. As a little girl, I very rarely sat still. I would be moving, jumping, climbing trees and, most of all, dancing. Not much has changed! As I combined my imagination, creativity and play with movement, dancing or running around, I experienced a sense of freedom and joy. I want everyone to experience this for themselves.
I also absolutely love learning and I do think our bodies are amazing. I am constantly challenging my own knowledge, perceptions and comfort zones. This, I believe, keeps me in a state of discovery of mind and body. Constantly discovering my progressing potential and being the best version of myself I challenge myself regularly. In 2017 I trekked along the Great Wall of China, for the NSPCC, and completed the Cotswold 100k Challenge in 2018.
NASM Corrective Exercise
- L4 Lower back pain management
- L3 Exercise referral
- L3 Pilates Instructor
- L3 Advanced Personal Trainer
- L3 First Aid certificate 2021
- L2 Gym Instructor
- L2 Exercise to Music Instructor
- Level 2 NCFE Cert in Nutrition & Health
- Certified NLP Master Practitioner
- Pole Fitness Instructor Foundation
- Pole Fitness instructor Advanced
- Animal flow instructor
- Kettlercise Instructor
- Kettlebell specialist level 1
CPD Training
- Reiki Level 1
- PBT – Progressive Ballet Technique
- Dance teacher & health practitioner flexibility intensive course
- Anatomy Dissecting rooms upper body – Anatomy talks
- Anatomy Dissecting rooms lower body – Anatomy talks
- PAD work – YMCA
- Suspension training – YMCA
- Outdoor fitness – Bootcamp. – YMCA
- High-intensity interval training. HIIT – YMCA
- Kettlebell training – premier
- Hypermobility – Mary Thorne
- Spin City Flexibility – Bendy Kate
- Kinesiology stretch techniques – Easy flexibility
- Strength & Conditioning Olympic lifting
- Advanced Nutrition for weight loss – Premier
- Scoliosis – Mary Thorne
- Pilates Workshop
- Fitness Pilates summit – Rachel Holmes