Resista ReVive Live

Resista Revive Live menopause workouts are designed for those with fitness class & resistance band experience OR for those who have completed at least three of the Resista video coached plans.

This plan is restricted in number to ensure optimum coaching, therefore spaces are subject to availability.

Fast-paced and fun, the one-hour live stream workouts are on weekdays in various timezones, allowing you to access the classes from anywhere in the world on your phone, iPad, laptop or TV screen.

Live stream workouts are timetabled at 10am GMT UK. Check your corresponding time zone before subscribing.

For CST time zones please enquire through the contact form.

The sessions are led by Livia or our wonderful Resista Coaches.

Your supportive, kind and understanding coach will begin each session with a quick informal two-way chat (participation optional) and warm-up. You will follow the coach’s clear and simple instructions and copy their movement on the screen. Each session concludes with a warm-down and group chat (participation optional). Over the weeks all muscle groups receive attention to achieve healthy, toned, strengthened bodies. Your Resista Coach will be live on-screen to guide you and correct your form or technique.

NOTE: Resista ReVive Live menopause workouts do NOT mean you are in the limelight. Please be assured that participants are watching the Resista coach, and not each other. From an online safety aspect you must have your name on screen with your video on. This is essential for the coach to check your technique and posture during the workout.

  • 60-minute LIVE workout every weekday designed for those with fitness class experience or graduates of Resista ReSet or ReBound plans.
  • Fun, friendly and fast-paced with clear instructions
  • Never feel alone working out at home again!
  • Join us from anywhere in the world
  • Various time zones to choose from
  • Use your home as a gym
  • No excessive fitness equipment needed
  • No trendy workout gear needed
  • Join in from your laptop or phone
  • Supportive WhatsApp group – The Resista Sistas
  • Learn the Resista® technique from the founder Livia Rees
  • A social networking community for women who want to feel supported
  • Limited in numbers to make it extra special
What you will feel:
  • Improved management of menopause symptoms
  • Accountability and support through the Resista Sistas
  • More strength, postural alignment
  • Improved flexibility
  • Improved endorphin release (happy hormones)
  • Feeling happier
  • Much improved self-confidence
  • Improved core stability
  • Improved fitness & heart health
  • Reduction in belly fat
  • Shift some cellulite
  • Drop a dress size
  • Easier to manage your weight
  • Improved skin tone
  • Improved body shape
  • Improved exercise adherence
  • Improved Resista technique