Resista Mojo 12


  • Twelve minutes of Resista exercises x 5 per week
  • Commitment to longer Resista sessions for noticeable results
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Resista Mojo 12 Features

  • Virtual Coaching
  • Video-guided Resista exercise for very confident beginners
  • Same exercises each week
  • Separate warm-up video in member’s area
  • Resista workout lasts 12- 13 minutes
  • Two sets of each exercise per day
  • Cardio suggestions to keep your heart healthy
  • Two rest days per week
  • 5 Resista workout videos
  • A welcome video
  • A measurements video
  • An equipment video
  • A cardio video
  • A warm-up video
  • A ‘What’s Next’ video
  • A Diet Information Sheet

What you will feel

  • Improved management of menopause symptoms
  • Significant improvement in strength, range of movement and mobility.
  • Improved posture
  • Diminishing aches
  • More positivity & feelings of wellbeing
  • Inclination to start eating well
  • The start of some weight loss
  • Improved sleep patterns
  • Better mood
  • Happier
  • Improved skin condition

Frequently Asked Questions


I don't have any time. I am too busy to exercise.
The Resista Plans are fast and efficient, ideal for women with busy, hectic lives.
I am a beginner.
That’s OK, our Resista Mojo plans are gentle, clearly instructed and coached by Livia, an experienced, qualified coach.

Food Habits

I don't eat all day then binge at night is there any way The Nutratonin Diet can help me?
This is a common habit and may be eradicated over time. If you eat healthier meals during the day you will not want to overeat each evening. Balancing vitamins and minerals within your daily food consumption is vital in order to change your food habits. The Nutratonin Diet will teach you this!
I don’t feel hungry in the morning, do I have to eat breakfast?
We are aiming to balance your blood sugars by eating smaller meals throughout the day. This is The Nutratonin Diet philosophy. If you wish to avoid breakfast and & that method is working for you now, then continue that way. Or try the Nutratonin Way instead!
I feel so bloated. Can you help me?
Yes, by eliminating the foods that may be accusing the bloat you can find out which foods to avoid over time. The Nutratonin Diet is designed to avoid or cut down on foods that bloat you and replace them with highly nutritious alternatives.
I am addicted to sugar. Can you help me?
Yes, by following the advice in The Nutratonin Diet you will not feel the need to eat high sugar foods. The Nutratonin Diet offers alternative foods to substitute for refined sugar.
I am addicted to carbs. Can you help me?
Yes, by following the advice in The Nutratonin Diet you will not feel the need to overeat on carbs such as bread, buns, pasta, pastries or white potatoes. The Nutratonin Diet offers alternative foods to substitute for excessive unhelpful carbs.
I am underweight. Can you help me?
Yes, The Nutraonin Diet philosophy is about the balance of vitamins and minerals that your body may need to support your menopause and of course your metabolism. Weight management, whether you are under or overweight, is vital. There are lots of hints and top tips on how to make your relationship with food a lot easier.
I am so very tired. Is it diet related?
It could be, but there are a number of reasons as to why you’re feeling fatigued. If your nutrition is good then you are on the right path to feeling better. Food is fuel for your body & your mind. Always check fatigue symptoms with your doctor.
I have had erratic unpredictable self-destructive eating habits, for many years now, Can you help me?
Yes, The Nutratonin Diet is a philosophy on how to eat as we go through menopause. You will find some great advice in The Nutratonin Diet ebook available on our website shop.
I don't understand what food to eat, can you help me?
Yes, The Nutratonin Diet ebook is full of information and helpful tips, links and recipes so you can find out more about food that may help your menopause.
I keep putting on weight and need help with my food
Maybe the answer is in The Nutratonin Diet ebook or if you feel that you need a more personalised food plan, check out The Nutratonin Diet food plan with Liv

Health Issues

Will Resista exercise help with my menopause symptoms?
Yes, Resista may help your overall health & mindset. So yes, it may help your menopause symptoms.
I have very achy joints. Is this suitable for me?
Yes, all Resista plans are designed to be low impact, to strengthen and support our joints. However, it is always worth checking with your doctor before starting any exercise program.
I have arthritis, is Resista for me?
Yes, gentle progressive, non-impact Resista exercise may help osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Always check with your doctor before starting an exercise program.
I have osteopenia, is Resista for me?
Yes gentle, progressive, non-impact Resista exercise may help osteopenia. Always check with your doctor before starting an exercise program.
I am feeling very low and frustrated with my menopause symptoms, will this plan help me?
Yes, even gentle progressive exercise releases endorphins which are ‘exercise-induced hormones’ that may help you to feel more positive.
I get dizzy when I exercise. Are the Resista plans OK for me?
Always check with your doctor before starting any type of exercise plan
I have no energy. How will Resista help?
When you start exercising your body starts to produce more energy. You may find that you feel more alert and positive over time. If you are consistent with your daily workouts you may find that your fatigue wears off and you start to feel more ‘yourself’
I have PCOS. How will Resista help?
The Resista method may help with PCOS symptoms. Always check with your doctor first before starting an exercise plan. See success stories / ‘what women say’ to Beth’s PCOS testimonial

Weight Loss

Will I lose weight?
Yes, over time you may lose weight if you are consistent with the Resista plans and you are aware of healthy food choices for menopause. The Nutratonin Diet ebook has been developed for women in menopause and is available on our website shop
Will I lose my belly fat?
If you are committed to the plan, and to your nutrition, you may lose your belly fat. You may find it helpful to look at The Nutratonin Diet ebook on our website.
Can I lose weight on specific areas of my body?
You may lose weight & tone up in all areas of your body if you are consistent with your Resista plans and your nutrition. Losing weight in just one area is highly unlikely. The Resista method tones the muscles under the fat which will help you to lose weight overall.


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