We have met and helped some really inspirational women during the development of Menopause Livia. Read what some of these powerhouses have to say about our Resista Plans and discover which is right for you.
Straight from the mouths of Resista Sistas! Read testimonials and case studies from women who have regained their mojo with Resista Exercise and The Nutratonin Diet
Beth now 58kg – early 50s – menopausal
“Back In 2017 my health was very poor. My mood was incredibly low and my weight ballooned to 85kg. I suffered from chronic conditions: hyperthyroidism, polycystic ovaries, hyperinsulinemia, high cholesterol and endometriosis. Peri-menopause was making everything worse!
I was due to have a hysterectomy but within 3 months of working with Livia, I lost 12 kilos. The doctors couldn’t believe how healthy I looked, I cancelled the operation as the endometriosis pain had reduced.
Believe me, I had obstacles to overcome: When my endometriosis symptoms would make it impossible for me to workout. When my thyroid condition flared up and I needed to up my medication. When I got ‘frozen shoulder’ for five months. I thought about quitting there and then, but I’m so glad I didn’t and just followed Livia’s advice to seek a good physio and continue training gently and getting all my hormonal conditions re-checked by my doctors…We just kept going forwards, albeit at a slower pace, but forwards…

Livia is knowledgeable, experienced, kind, and caring. I found that everything Livia was talking about was backed up by scientific research. Livia helped me to get my peri-menopause concerns across to my doctors so they would finally listen to me & not tell me that ‘everything was in my head”!
I am a different person now. Healthier, happier and more confident. I sleep better and have loads of energy. I now know that age is just a number and our bodies are very resilient if we take care of them.
Keep moving forwards, adapt to the program, and keep doing little and often. Get involved with the community of women that work out with Livia and they will lift your spirits.”
Julie – late 50’s – Peri-menopausal
“When you start to see changes in your body in terms of weight and shape lifts your spirits. Suddenly you realise that the exercises that you once struggled with are becoming easier, it’s a great feeling.
I am fitter, more toned, I have lost approximately seven pounds, and my body is firmer.
I had wanted to do more exercise for a while and Resista ReVive Live has allowed me to do that with the guidance of Livia and the encouragement and friendliness of the Resista ReVive Live you become energised and motivated.”
Denise now 60kg – mid 50s – Post menopausal
“I was obese (at 96kg) I had an under-active thyroid, IBS & menopause. I had tried every ‘diet’ out there. Livia gently & positively supports. I was losing one pound per week. My weight dropped and my body just changed. I feel a completely different person.
I feel confident in my body and my whole life. I have my humour back, I am no longer obese, and I no longer have health issues. It’s changed my life forever.
My advice to the ladies out there with a lot of weight to lose – you just have to keep going & believe you can be that person that you really crave to be again. Trust in Livia, in the program, reach out if you need help, it’s just consistency.”

Joanne – late 50’s – Early menopause in her 20’s
“I had cervical cancer at age 26 & went into early menopause. At age 43 I was diagnosed with a brain tumour & underwent an extensive operation. My mobility was affected. I suffer from periodic epilepsy. At 53, my body was not reflecting how I felt inside. I needed to show people that no matter what life throws at you, it is possible to change your life, your health, your body or anything else that is causing misery.
Since I had been on medically prescribed steroids, for my pain, since 2008 I had never been able to lose weight.
I met Livia on Facebook. She is an amazing coach. Over the weeks and months I saw changes in my body that I had not imagined possible. I followed Livia’s methods, my body was changing and I felt great!
It only takes small changes to make a big difference. Huge changes are not always needed. Just little tweaks. Livia coaches so many women to achieve their goals and I have so much respect for her. I am more consistent with my food selections which are part of my lifestyle now”
Nicola – Early 50s – Peri Menopausal
“I heard about Livia through YouTube and Instagram I was conscious that I was moving closer to perimenopause & I had been diagnosed with PCOS. I was intrigued by her approach. It’s brilliant. Tailored to our age and stage of life. I had clear changes in my body within a relatively short period of time. I always easily put on weight. The exercises have strengthened my core which has helped my golf, for sure!
Livia is a fantastic advert for her method, which on its own motivates you. She looks fantastic, looks strong & healthy. Her Resista ReVive Live have become an inextricable part of my weekday. They are sacrosanct.
Livia is way too inspirational to experience lows! Honestly, she is so knowledgeable and passionate about what she does, she does it so well, and so professionally, she’s so kind and so consistently there.
She is a brilliant trainer and equally brilliant with food. Trust her and listen to her take what you can from the other women in the group. Healthy for the body and the soul. It clearly works, no questions.”

“I recently lost 5 kilos in a month. I'm over the moon. I've gone from size 16 to size 12 jeans and have maintained this since. I've gained energy and look healthy. I can't tell you how much better I feel."
“During Livia’s time with HRH Princess Nouf Bint Khalid, she was always punctual, presentable and flexible. The exercise program Livia devised was suited to what HRH Princess Nouf had requested. Her Highness has no hesitation in recommending Livia for any position she seeks in her profession.”
“I would share my results with everyone! I lost a total of 13lb, 4 inches off my waist and 1.5 inches off my hips!”
“It was much easier than I thought it would be. My energy levels have been very high which is amazing”
“My clothes feel looser, I am less bloated, I’ve received countless compliments on how well my skin looks etc and my partner feels like he’s going to bed with a new woman!!”
Thank you for all the wonderful work you have been doing Livia. I am losing more weight. Losing some of my chins my daughter’s noticing that my stomach’s going. Friends are noticing. I've just got rid of a whole load of clothes that I only bought last year. Even my stretchy exercise clothes are getting too loose now. I really look forward to the Resista ReVive Live every morning. It’s so easy doing it at home. I absolutely love it. Walk the dog. Come back. Jump on screen. Then work afterwards. Thanks ever so much you are just sorting me out. And I've just eaten a big breakfast because that’s what works for me now. Love it!
“I've lost 11 pounds since doing Livia’s plan, I'll never look back.”
“Livia is an inspiration to me, always positive, never negative. She alway there for you, if you have any questions or where to buy a certain thing for your workout she is only a text or phone call away!”
“I have found your blogs and advice extremely helpful and interesting. I have always eaten fruit not realising I was eating the wrong ones. I have found that I feel a little better and will continue to choose wisely what I am eating. Honestly, I have not followed the plan 100 per cent, but it has made me realise that being bloated is connected with what foods you choose to eat, exercise and well-being. I would like to thank you for your support and encouragement.”
“So I am delighted to share my news with you. I have gone from a bloated, sluggish, tired 11st 4lb to 10st 5lb. I have lost a total of 10.5 inches!! 3 inches from my waist alone which I am delighted with. At 52 I thought it was all over but my hourglass figure is back. Thankfully only 1/2 inch from my boobs. I feel energised, alert and happy. I’m falling asleep by 10pm rather than 2am as I was stuffed with sugar laden foods. My night sweats have diminished and I wake up in the morning fresh and ready to smash the day ahead. I will not go back to sugar as I am not craving it at all and why would I? I’ve enjoyed the gluten, dairy, soy, wheat etc ban and I’m going to continue. With an under active thyroid, pernicious anemia and the menopause I really thought I was doomed to be overweight and like a sloth. Nope , I’m bouncing, buzzing and totally aware of my body's do’s and don'ts. Thank you so much"
”I found Livia on one of the menopause groups, thank goodness! I had lost some weight but wasn’t feeling great as everything was wobbly and I felt tired most of the day. I knew it was hormone related (peri menopausal). I started the video plan because it’s every weekday with 2 days off. It suited my lifestyle, so I could switch the days off to suit. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and now find I miss it on my days off! (Never thought that would happen!). People have commented recently that I had lost weight and I looked great. I feel energised and fit (first time for a while I’ve felt like that). Thank you Livia, you’ve been a lifesaver!”
“Everybody's been telling me how much weight I have lost. I have even been told I look much younger! I feel fantastic!”
“My transformation has been amazing. I feel better, I sleep better. Before, I ate too much bread & pasta & sugar”
“With your plan, it's worked for me and you have this great community (of Resista Sista’s)”
“Doing more menopause older-women-focused exercise, my core is so much better. It's down to the work I've done with you. I’ve no sciatica, and I’ve lost a stone with you. I think it’s adjusting lifestyle with hormones. I'm very optimistic for the future.”
“I needed a plan from a menopause point of view an overhaul of my health. The food plan was straightforward, no cravings, I am being sensible.”
“What I found really brilliant- I loved the workout videos, I could dip in and dip out whenever I want. I am seeing my body changing and sculpting and I've done that through Resista ReVive Live and your videos & I can do it at home!”
“What you have taught me is what I need to do for my menopausal body.”